
Adventures in the Household

Created by Two Little Mice

The world's tiniest setting, for the world's greatest RPG. From the ENNIE Award winning creators of Household and Outgunned.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

7 days ago – Tue, Jan 28, 2025 at 07:18:27 AM

Dearest littlings,

JOURNEY TO THE GARDEN, the sequel expansion to Adventures in the Household, is coming to Backerkit crowdfunding on FEBRUARY 25.

Meet colossal creatures such as Lancaster the Barn Owl

After the great success of Household Vol II, the Door to the Garden is finally opening for you 5E Players!
We would love for you all to join us in this next adventure that will bring us Outside, in a wild and dangerous land we call the Outhold

In Adventures in the Household: Journey to the Garden you will find:

  • 4 New Folk, including the Gnomes
  • 1 New Profession, the Wayfarer
  • 3 Vocations for each Profession, including Samurai, Exiled, and Stranger
  • 4 New Animal Companions, the Frog, the Moth, the Mole and the Ladybug
  • New Moves, Traits, and Contracts
  • Rules for the passing of Seasons
  • Colossal Beasts such as the Great Owl
Stay away from Squirrels! 

If you want to know more about all this, please download the FREE PDF "An Introduction to the Garden" TODAY!

Koko and Kaelan, two valiant Gnomes of the Citadel
A Barghest, a Fae, and a Gnome
The cutest Moth, the luckiest Ladybug, and the quickest Frog

Thanks to this Garden-themed supplement, you will be able to visit the Fountain where the legendary Battle of Quillwaters took place, the Bramble Town where Boggarts found refuge during their time in exile, and even the stump of the Dèndronaos Tree.

Explore the Rooftops of the House

We'll wait for you on February 25, to embark once again in a tiny grand journey!


Shipping Update!
6 months ago – Sat, Aug 10, 2024 at 05:50:41 AM

Dearest Littlings,

It is our greatest pleasure to inform you that all Adventures in the Household books and accessories have been produced and shipped to our hubs around the World.

We will start delivering physical rewards by the end of August, about 1 month before the expected delivery date! We pride ourself of being extremely punctual when it comes to Kickstarter fulfillment, but to be this early is a first even for us :D

You should expect to receive your rewards during the first half of September. 
Meanwhile, if you still haven't receive your Digital Rewards, please send us an email at [email protected]

Wanna take a closer look at the books? Please check this unboxing video by Doug Shute at Victory Condition Gaming!


Today we are also sending out the Digital Art Pack, so make sure to check your emails!


We would also like to thank all of you who voted for us at the Ennie Awards. You'll be happy to know that Outgunned won a silver Ennie for both Best Game and Product of the Year. This is truly amazing for us!

Until next time,


First look at the Opera Omnia + The ENnies!
7 months ago – Tue, Jul 16, 2024 at 08:40:08 AM

Dearest littlings,

Today we have only great news!
First of all, we're just receiving samples of the Adventures in the Household books and dice, so we're extremely confident that there will be absolutely no delay in the shipping. That means that we still expect to ship everything by the end of September!

But before we share some photos, please allow us a second to ask for YOUR HELP

You will be happy to know that our Cinematic Action RPG OUTGUNNED has been nominated for the 2024 ENnies! 
That's like the greatest recognition we could hope for our little game, and we are extremely proud to be competing against some of the best games of the year.
BUT now it's up to the people, and WE NEED YOU TO VOTE <--- And remember,   1 is the BEST vote!

You can find us in 3 categories:

🌟 BEST GAME - Outgunned

It only take a minute to vote, but it helps us more than you can imagine.
So if want to support us, please consider voting ONE (1) for Outgunned and Two Little Mice <3

But enough with the ENnies (although we would REALLY appreciate your vote!). Let's get back to Adventures in the Household

What's not to love about this amazing Screen by Daniela Giubellini?
All the Adventures in the Household covers with their golden laminated titles
The opened Opera Omnia
The Opera Omnia next to the Household Heroes figure box
The AitH dice by Q-Workshop

Until next time,


FREE 2LM Corebook + Locking Orders
8 months ago – Sat, Jun 08, 2024 at 05:01:51 AM

Dearest littlings,

During the campaign we have unlocked a very special Stretch Goal: A FREE PDF Corebook of your choice. This means that if you backed this campaign at ANY level, you will also receive anther of our corebooks in PDF for free. 

If you already completed you survey on the Pledge Manager, you have been asked to select your Free PDF Corebook. TODAY, we're sending out this complementary corebooks, so make sure to check your emails to download your next 2LM game right away!

Have you missed your Pledge Manager survey? You can request a new link here

Please know that we are LOCKING ORDERS today, and this means that you will have just 48 hours to eventually add any add-ons to your pledge. So if you haven't already answered your survey, make sure to it as soon as possible!

And before we leave...


Our Cinematic RPG Outgunned ADVENTURE is currently on crowdfunding, and it's already our most successful campaign to date with over € 315.000.

Please remember that if you backed any of our previous project, including Adventures in the Household, and you back Outgunned Adventure at ANY physical level, you will receive a FREE Metal Coin!

It might be worth to take a look at the campaign just for the amazing art that Adventures in the Household's lead artist Daniela Giubellini has done for this new game!

Until next time!


Such Small Matters & The Household Guide are here!
8 months ago – Sat, May 25, 2024 at 08:28:47 AM

Dearest littlings,

We are proud to inform you that Such Small Matters and the Household Guide are finally available in PDF! Check your email for the download link, and start reading today!
PLEASE NOTE: It may take some hours for you to receive your link, so in case you don't receive it right away please wait until tomorrow and write us at [email protected] We'll be happy to help you out.

FOR OUR ITALIAN FRIENDS: La versione Italiana di Adventures in the Household è quasi pronta. Riceverete TUTTI e tre i manuali in PDF entro la fine di Giugno. Grazie per la pazienza!

We've also just receive the first sample for the Adventures in the Household Core Rulebook, and we are extremely happy with the results! It seems that everything is going smoothly and we do not anticipate any significant delay in the fulfillment of this project. 

Are you ready for a new Adventure?

In case you missed the announcement, Outgunned is coming back with brand new Pulp Adventure genre book!

The Crowdfunding Campaign for Outgunned Adventure will launch on May 29!It will feature the new Adventure genre book, as well as the highly anticipated Action Flicks Vol 2!

Until next time!